In accordance with Public Law 100, Acts of 1982, SIEOC is recognized as a Community Action Agency.
SIEOC complies with all State and Federal regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, disability, Vietnam Era Veterans, or military status in our programs, employment policies and access to our programs and facilities.
SIEOC is governed by a Board of Directors that consists of individuals from the Public, Private and Low-Income sectors. The Public sector includes representatives of elected officials. The private sector members are representatives of the community (i.e. clubs, religious organizations, businesses). The Low-Income members represent constituents in their respective county.
In the event that a community organization or representative group of the low income, including but not limited to the minority low income, the elderly low income or the rural low income, feel themselves inadequately represented on the Board, they may petition for adequate representation on the Board by following the procedure hereinafter set out. A low income individual, community organization, or religious organization, or representative of low income individuals that considers its organization, or low income individuals, to be inadequately represented on the Board may submit a petition for representation to the President who shall present the petition to the Directors at the next Board meeting. In the case of unincorporated organizations or interest, the petition must be signed by at least 25 individuals, unless the President determines that it is appropriate to waive this requirement in a particular case. The petitioning individual or organization shall be given an opportunity to be heard at a meeting of the Board, upon such reasonable terms as the Directors shall determine. A written statement of the Board’s action on the petition shall be provided to the petitioning individual or group and a copy of the statement shall be sent to the appropriate government funding sources as required by law or procedure in effect from time to time. Should it decide to provide representation to the petitioning organization or interest, the Board shall take any actions necessary to provide that representation while ensuring that the Board’s composition meets the requirements of the federal Community Services Block Grant Act and any other applicable laws or regulations.
To learn more about the services provided by SIEOC, contact the office in your area.
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